Darren Aiken is a self taught sculptor and painter. He specialises in miniature sculptures from 45mm to 160mm in full color original polymer clay. He specialises in head to toe chess sets of politicians, rock stars and celebrities incl sports teams.
Limited edition chess sets are priced between R10 000 to R16 000, whilst a one off commission starts from R50 000 upwards. He can be commissioned to sculpt your board of directors, family or wedding couple and is priced @R2500 per character.
Darren does line and wash original ink sketches of everyday life in South Africa which are priced between R550 and R1100 per sketch. He also paints large acrylics of the same subject matter as well as full color acrylic on canvas paintings from a jungle scene in the Okovango to tuc tucs . These paintings range from R3 500 to R20 000.
He runs sculpture classes from 9am for a day in which he will help to establish your own artistic style and apply that style to your own full color 12cm high sculture piece in polymer clay – a celebrity, your spouse or children, or even how you see a politician or your boss? These classes cost @R600 per person incl materials. You can claim your own day with 4 or more friends if you want to.
Art students and illustrators spend time learning new skills or honing existing ones with an emphasis on how to make your artwork or concept more commercially viable from a business and accounting sense. These cost @R1200 per day.
Come and visit him at his studio at the Karoo Square in Pretoria or whatsapp or email him.